Week Four: Graphic Novel and Blankets

            What struck me most about Graphic Novel is how the book relies less and less on words as the novel goes on. Even from the beginning though the words are used as part of the composition. The way the words are written (typography) is even thought about. I think it's also interesting that this book is tackling more adult themes compared to some previous work. That being said, it feels very grounded. The moment where the main character is shouting at lighting to represent god really was cinematic. Even the portrayal of God as lighting and nature could be driven into as a visual metaphor oppose to a written one. Note in the beginning where you can see the face. You feel it through the body language and the heavy rain pouring on him. The visual really sets the tone of the weight of the novel. The clothes hanging in the backgrounds and closeness of the buildings really sets it down in an urban environment.
             In contrast, I think Blankets feels timeless or like just moments in a town to far from mine. I grew up in Minnesota and went to Catholic school and church camp. I really felt some of those questions and I identify traits of Craig's journey of faith in other people in my life.The scratchy quality of lifework made it feel more like a memory. The fashion is non identifiable as a time period. The hair might be, but not that much. The fact that the stories can become nonlinear in time also help that and the creative transitions as Craig floats up as a child and returns as a high schooler. There is a sense of abstraction but also seeming familiar to the sense through things like the crunch of snow. The children are always thinking more than we believe. The strong emotions and narrations really remind me of another graphic novel I have read which is I Kill Giants. It has its funny moments like looking at Raina's brother frowning at Craig in front of a wall of pictures of him smiling with his sister. It's amusing how large the adults are compared to the children, but it also says a lot about Craig's relationship with them. I feel like Blankets is deeply personal because of the sharing of intimate details.
