Week Five: Mr Natural and Underground

Mr. Natural was arranged in a way that we eased in. I think him sitting to meditate and everything happening around him until it becomes nature again was a solid gag/storyline. I don't even really mind the questioning of those holy/ the meditating monk, but that depiction of africans was definitely something that you would never see today.  Then Little Johnny FukerFaster was kind of a big yikes. I understand that it is meant to be offensive. Shuman the Human I felt had a many layers to it with the "you wouldn't understand" the more you think about it the more complex their mind seem. but maybe he really just doesn't want to talk about it. Or it could be a race relation comment. Or it could just be talking about how annoying the statement can be. I like the idea of a drawing promotion contest. I am surprised on its mast popularity. It is really cool to see all the different styles and how fan art was done. But anyway.... then "on the bum again" happened. I'm done. I was out. I was uncomfortable. It was pretty explicit and I just... felt weird. Especially cause I was reading in public.

ANYWAY, For underground I read Girl Fight which was amusing cause I could never see them letting a full group of women be a team of archeologists. But, It is nice to see the woman have a justified reason to murder to them and are not just unhinged. The men always say something something before getting stabbed. It's definitely a men's vision of a woman's army. The relationship pacing is super strange. In a sense everything feels like destiny is why it happened opposed to cause and effect. Also? outfit changes happen at illogical times and at the end she just goes lives in the jungle instead of with her father in a functioning village (that she saved). But I do think it's nice to see woman not as the peace makers or the helpless victim. But it is at the cost of being fetishized.
